“let yourself feel” - Esteban Diácono
Talks Golan Levin makes art that looks back at you
Golan Levin, an artist and engineer, uses modern tools — robotics, new software, cognitive research — to make artworks that surprise and delight. Watch as sounds become shapes, bodies create paintings, and a curious eye looks back at the curious viewer.
Sketch Theatre, Gary Baseman
Ponyo, last Miyazaki movie!
Ponyo - http://disney.go.com/disneypictures/ponyo/
Hayao Miyazaki - http://www.nausicaa.net/miyazaki/miyazaki/
Summer Streets shots from my bicycle
I went the last Saturday August 8th to our Summer Streets event; I ride from the East Village to the Central Park and come back… Here some shots from my bicycle. Enjoy.
Photos By NU
The hands on the screen belong to James Paterson. He is using “Rhonda”, a 3D drawing tool developed byAmit Pitaru circa 2003.
The first half of the video shows James doing a drawing start to finish. In the second part James is cycling through various previous drawings, created between 2004 and 2005.
For the last several years Rhonda has been shown in galleries, museums, festivals and conferences. We are excited to finally release this video online (about time!).
Even more exciting is that our good friends Zach Lieberman (openframeworks) and Zach Gage (synthpond) have just joined the Rhonda Team! With their help we will be creating stable releases of Rhonda for various platforms.
Project page: http://rhondaforever.com
Drop us a line at: hello [at] rhondaforever
Music for this video is “Out On The Weekend” by Neil Young.
Rhonda ©2003-2009